A lonely wizard with a deep passion for the dark arts, daedroths and pointy hats.
Usually found in his tower, where he spends most of his time with dangerous experiments and the company of his loyal scamp.

All drawings by me
3D Render by @KatDume#0404
Thank you for reading!


Necromancer???Lawful EvilThe Ritual
PassiveMain SchoolSpecializationSecondaryTertiary
Communication with InsectsNecromancyHemomancyAlchemyEnchanting


Enchanted - almost - bottomless bag, able to speak, highly intellectual and passed through generations. Customized by Hexen with two buttons for eyes and a new sewn mouth.Un-living Goat-Skull, powered by blood, boosts Hexen's spells at the cost of his vitality. Is able to gain different form through ritual process.Made of ancestral skin, a disturbing craft made by a younger Hexen, with a distorted face for a cover. Accepts only spells written in blood.Expensive and usually red, similar to typical priest cassocks, decorated with alchemical symbols. Nothing special but the good taste for fashion.Family Crest with the Sorkvild house symbol - the unicursal hexagram - boosts Hexen's magickal resist but makes him unable to receive any sort of arcane healing.

In loving memory of
Per Yngve "Pelle" Ohlin

⛧ 1969 -1991 ⛧
"A human destiny but nothing human inside"
Thank you for always inspiring me through your music.

Under the hat...

Hexen is a quiet yet endearing individual, that despite his gloomy demeanour can light a room with his crooked smile. Extremely sensitive and fond of metaphours, he is inclined to speak quite enigmatically and be very open when it comes to talking about feelings.His bittersweet nature makes it complicated for the wizard to interact properly, feeling like a misfit most of the time due to how intense he can make a simple conversation about the weather become.

His relationship with his grandfather - papa - is noticeably odd, as Hexen mentions the elder constantly and how much he loves him, there is a hint of obsession and a paranoia, both equally disturbing given his behaviour and lack of awareness.Being a bookworm, he always carries his grimoire around, starved for knowledge and only letting go of his serene and shy behaviour when it comes to power - he would do almost anything for it - but such desires are hidden under his innocent eyes and gentleness.When it comes to friendship, he is loyal and always ready to help, if someone is at Hexen's good side they can definitely expect a valuable ally, but if they are on his bad side... They can expect for the worse, the wizard keeps grudges forever, being not the type to give second chances when upset.He enjoys the company of animals and will usually go out during the night to search for dead ones in the woods, reanimating the already gone creatures with the intention of keeping them as pets.Hexen seems absent-minded, childish, as if he doesn't understand the world around him very well, spending too much time in his introspection.

Under the robes...

Nicknames: Hex, Hexxie
Relationship Status: Single
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 2.13m (7ft)
Weight: 77kg (170lbs) BMI: 16.8
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Eye colour: Light blue
Skin tone: Pale bluish
Hair colour: Light grey
Voice: Blake Ritson

Hexen is a very lanky young man, with a long and thin pointy nose, small lips and gaunt cheeks. He has a beauty-mark over his upper-lip and a vertical scar on the opposite side, dark circles under his icy-eyes that with his eternally frowned thick eyebrows give him a tortured look, perpetually tired, features austere but kind. His jawline is sharp, his chin long and thin, that added to his emaciated appearance contribute to the skeletal look.It might be difficult to identify his race given his unusual features, not to mention pointy ears hidden underneath the layers of hair.From time to time he might be seen with a nice moustache or a stubble, but most commonly with a well-shaven face.His legs are slender, his hips narrow, broad shoulders - guaranteeing him a triangular silhouette - ideal to wear his beloved robes.
He is scarily thin to the point of it being unhealthy, one can easily notice how he seems lost inside his clothes, his bones can be felt at the slightest touch, no wonder he always chooses esoteric positions to sit, the lack of padding does hurt. His hair is shoulder-length and curly. He smells like sweet alchemy, an odd combination.
His hands are bony, with spider-like fingers. He rarely shows more skin than his hands and neck, it's noticeable the amount of scars he has even in such an odd spots. Hexen's front teeth are quite bunny like, his fangs are prominent and his smile big and crooked with a set of jagged teeth.His right eye has a permanently dilated pupil (anisocoria)
Hexen's voice is low and quite hypnotic, the way he speaks is formal and gentle as if reading poetry. A hidden trait are his long pointy ears, concealed by the layers of messy hair.
The wizard's scrawny appearance can be either seen as spooky and depressing or as unique and charming, or all of these, really. Hexen is an individual that takes care of himself, after all his health condition impacts severely on his looks. Still, it is not uncommon for him to be seen with bloodshot eyes, chapped lips and reddish nostrils. He is easily bruised, the all patched up and bandaged look is already his trademark, as he can give all sorts of excuses about the origin of his wounds.

Under the skin...

Being the result of careful magickal selection and experiments, Hexen was born in a wealthy family of Skyrim.. Hexen’s papa was a famous wizard from the College of Winterhold, teaching the arts of summoning and having being raised in a traditional Dragon-Cult religion, roughly Nordic to the bones and as clever as Jhunal.Hexen was forced into seclusion to become the heir Master Sorkvild needed, living in absolute isolation as a hermit, built with the willpower and endurance that only solitude could teach. His mind is sharp, his visions towards the world around him limited and shaped by his elder.His master was very demanding, Hexen could not enjoy his childhood and learned his lessons as his arrogance grew, shattered each time he thought to already be good enough. True tests never end, and his might is made of steel. The lack of a proper social environment kept him from growing up, he is an eternal manchild cursed with the knowledge of an elder.Reaching what is called 'wizardhood' in a most fancy manner by his master, Hexen now has to abandon his tower and search more knowledge as his master leaves for a long expedition, it is his pilgrimage, his chance to see the world with his very own eyes; but is he really free?Hexen can be found traveling in the most unexpected places possible, oblivious to how society works and lost in his gloom and doom, his heart only open to knowledge and new discoveries of wisdom, still trapped between his master’s teachings and what the real world can offer.


🜏 All Hexen's spells need his blood, his magicka and vitality are one and only; therefore the reason why he hurts himself casting spells..🜏 Hexen's tongue is purple, do not ask me why.🜏 Communicating with insects is a subjective term, because even certain creatures do not exactly fit as an arthropod - slugs for example - can be understood by him. A better wording of it would be; Hexen speaks with anything that crawls, scares children and lives in the dark. Butterflies are an exception.🜏 He can not differ right from left.🜏 Has a vast knowledge of idioms, such as Daedric, Dunmeri and even some archaic Aldmeris.🜏 Was the apprentice of Anglachel Telvanni for a year, a sort of exchange student in Morrowind.🜏 He is allergic to cats, needs certain herbs to keep it in check when near Khajiits.🜏 His only real pet - Tamrielic common creature - is a slunk that he keeps inside a jar to preserve it; he calls it Pepper.
(A slunk is an animal, especially a calf, born prematurely or abortively)
🜏 Hexen claims to be able to see ghost cows.
(He is not lying)
🜏 He sees dead people, but being so sensitive to the spirits and the energy beyond the grave throughout his whole life made him used to it.🜏 If you step in one of his bugs you may cause him a nosebleed, they are all connected - mentally - in one way or another.


- Hexen's papa used to teach conjuration classes in the College of Winterhold, maybe you were a student or seek news from the brilliant elder who disappeared.- He sells potions and enchantments, being specially searched for those interested in magickal artifacts or a specialist in curses, given the sinister reputation his family has.- He is extremely good at tracking, his bugs and his blood magic allow him to be the perfect spy alongside how sneaky he can be, Hexen is your ideal wizard when searching someone.- When he is travelling, he can be found exploring ruins, Hexen loves dungeon crawling.- At taverns he is always a wallflower, but he is surprisingly sweet and enjoys good company.- Do you like REAL stuffed animals? Well, taxidermy is Hexen's hobby and he is more than happy to help.- Need esoteric advice? Hexen is glad to offer it, anything spooky-bloody-creepy-weird is his speciality

OOC info

You can call me Corv. I am an angsty guitarist with a taste for tragedy, romance and poetry.Usually online at discord around 18h (BRT) I rather roleplaying there instead of ESO, but I can definitely RP ingame too.🜏 I write multi-paragraphs to novella style, but depending on the scene my posts can be shorter.🜏 3rd person only🜏 Literate🜏 I like writing everything, no fade to black.🜏 No OOC drama🜏 If my character and yours start dating, it doesn't mean I like you. Please don't be a creep.Discord: onryo4
ESO ID: Zarg0thrax